Dies ist ein Stock Rom wo alles was Stock ist heraus genommen wurde und durch eigene Sachen ersetzt. Es ist ein sehr schnelles und stabiles Rom.
Mit dem Rom kommt eine App die Revolver Parts heißt, mit dieser App kann man eigentlich alles an seinem Rom ändern was man ändern möchte. Verschiedene Kernel herunterladen um ein noch schnelleres Rom zu bekommen. Die Buttons sind frei Wählbar aus verschiedenen Vorlagen, genauso ist es mit den Themes die in verschiedenen Varianten angeboten werden. Um es kurz zu fassen, es gibt nichts was es nicht zu ändern gibt mit dieser App. Bitte ändert aber nicht zu viel auf einmal, da nicht jedes Tablet gleich ist und es zu abstürzen und Neustarts führen kann.
aktuelle Version: 4.0.0.
Hier findet ihr den originalen Thread im XDA Forum
Rom Details
- Sehr sehr Schnell
- Deodexed
- Xoom Buttons als Standart
- Sehr schlank! (Wenig Speicherplatz)
- Ice Cream Sandwich
- Speed up & optimizations
- Revolver parts
- Viele Features, Batterie %, Dock-Batterie %, etc
- Beste Akkulaufzeit
Das ROM könnt Ihr auf dieser Seite herunterladen: RevolverROM
1. Sicherstellen das das neueste Recovery installiert ist (Rom Manager)
2. Backup machen
3. wipe data/factory reset in Recovery — wenn man von einem anderem Rom kommt, wenn nicht reicht wipe Dalvik Cache
4. Installation des ROMs
6. Neustart
7. Empfohlen wird ein sofortiger Neusart nachdem man sich Angemeldet hat
Version 4.0.0 (IC400 – Beta1 – Snapshot2):
- Erste Revolver4 Beta – Revolver Parts arbeitet Momentan noch nicht
- Enabled FaceUnlock
- Asus Einstellungen entfernt
- Advanced Power Menü – Galaxy Nexus style
- Verbesserungen am Speed
- Deodexed
Full/update 3.9.9:
- Updated the firmware to the latest
- Full GPU rendering
- Updated the kernel to the stock fixed the HDMI for some TVs
- Updated the Android Market to the latest 3.4.4, Google Maps to 6.0.3, Polaris office and the Email client.
Update 3.10: (you can flash this over Revolver 3.9.5, 3.9.6 and 3.9.9)
- All the changes of version 3.9.9 + wifi problem fix
Full/update 3.11:
- Full ROM OTA. Fix for all the bugs reported due to the bad OTA 3.9.5 → 3.10.
Ältere Versionen
Base version 1.1:
- New base version with all previous fixes included
- Fixed fonts‘ problems
- Added new sqlite3 bin & bash
- Enabled wifi chanels 12 & 13 from Roach’s ROM
- Optimized apps, little speed up
- Improoved performance (I hope :P)
- Removed some apps from system. You can find them in the removed-apps archive.
- Removed update client
- Removed I/O Lag of the previous 1.0
Update 1.1.1:
- Fixed flash problems
- Fixed market problems
Update 1.1.2:
- Nothing, just a test for OTAs
Update 1.1.3:
- New kernel by default: Dynamite (by me, based on Netformer sources, thanks netarchy)
- Joysticks are fully supported now.
- Tun as module. There souldn’t be any problem anymore.
Base version 2.0:
- Based on latest Asus firmware (HoneyComb 3.2)
- Deodexed, big thanks to Roach who helped me with deodexing. I also put in this rom his VoiceSearch.apk and Dictionary.apk
- Now bash is included. Type „bash“ in the shell to enter the bash shell.
- Based on stock kernel, since the actual custom kernels for HC 3.2 are unstable.
- Modules autoload! Voodoo, cifs and tun load on boot!
- Updated all the apps
- HC 3.2 Firmware has the fix for battery usage stats
- Faster than ever!!
Version 2.1 (Available throught OTA and as base version):
- Fixed random reboots problem
- Added ad-hoc support
- Changed bootanimation with this.
- Removed some apps (Kindle, Layar, Tegra Zone, Zinio, Spare Parts, Terminal emulator).
Update 2.1.1
- Removed 3G support to improve the battery life (the support it’s still available by flashing the plugin from revolver parts).
Update 2.1.2
- Reverted update 2.1.1, it caused FCs
Update 2.1.3
- Dynamite kernel as default (improved speed, tun, cifs and voodoo sound module pre-compiled in the kernel)
Base version 2.5:
- Based on asus firmware. Mainly it’s a bugfix release.
- Fixed gallery FC.
- Fixed problems with dock and wifi. Now it’s possible to choose the cursor for touchpad.
- All previous features (Xoom buttons, Revolver parts, ad-hoc, voodoo, tun, cifs, etc).
- Fast and stable as hell. Transformer speed is blowing away the iPad 2.
- Improved battery life.
Update 2.5.1
- Attempt to fix battery life problem.
Update 2.6
- Updated firmware
- Added other languages to the dictionary (will fix the issues with other langs?)
- Improved performances throught sysctl
- Added support to the battery calibration and zipalign on boot. Enable it with the latest Revolver Parts 2.2.1
- Updated Superuser.apk and su to the latest version
Base version 3.0:
- Fixed bluetooth issue
- Added power dialog mod (see the screen on the first post fore more details)
- Added dock battery percentage in system tray (thanks roach2010)
- Battery percentage by default (thanks Andrew2511)
- Updated google maps
- Show/hide system tray feature added
- All previous fixes included
Update/Full version 3.2:
- Removed → Added some optimizations in kernel and tweak init script (some of them taken from Revolution HD, thanks mike) ← Removed.
- Added the ability to enable/disable the status bar option (you need revolver parts)
- Tweaked SysteUI, again.
- Improved power dialog translations (thanks to all who helped me)
- Fixed cron (thanks woti23)
Update 3.2.1:
- Fixed wifi sleep issue, now you can set the timeout from Revolver Parts (System tab)(Update your Revolver Parts).
Changelog version 3.5:
- Based on the Asus firmware (Android™ HoneyComb 3.2.1)
- Fixed issues with wifi
- Improved GPS
- Fixed Browser (Lag fix from Asus and `Search bug` fix from me)
- All other Asus improvements (better languages support and security fixes).
- Added Supernote and Asus WebStorage apps from Asus
- All older stuff from Revolver 3.2 (Power dialog, Battery %, Dock battery %, Statusbar toggler and Wifi sleep timeout tweaker)
- New default Wallpaper
- Updated Superuser
- Tweaked stock kernel to improve smoothness with interactive governor.
- Speaker fix integrated
Changelog full/update 3.5.2:
- Solved issues with dock battery icon (thanks Andrew2511)
- New battery icons (thanks Andrew2511)
- Hacked framework to enable the battery icon and battery text percentage toggle (Revolver Parts 2.9.4 required)
- Other small improvements
Changelog update 3.5.3:
- Fixed Browser FCs on search
- Fixed useragent issue (thanks Roach)
- Updated turkish and danish power dialog translactions
- Added iwconfig, now you can use the app Tx wifi Power to reduce wifi battery drain.
- Added autodefrag script to remove VACUUM spaces in MySQL databases. (thanks woti23)
Changelog update 3.6 (full/OTA):
- Added Browser debug mode options
- Now you can switch between the Tiamat custom quickbar settings menu and the stock one. You need Revolver Parts 3.0+ for this.
Changelog update 3.7 (full/OTA):
- Now data defrag is removed, you can enable it from Revolver Parts
- Browser debug mode off, you can enable it from Revolver Parts(3.1+)
- Changed fonts with ICS ones. Much better than before!
- Added task killer to the Recent apps panel. Now you can kill apps and remove them from the list, like in Ice Cream Sandwich.
Changelog update 3.7.2:
- Fixed the bug with the lockscreen clock font.
- Fixed wrong fonts from previous updates.
Changelog update 3.7.3:
- Better task killer ‚X‘ icon in the Recent apps panel. Thanks andrew2511.
Version 3.8:
- Rebased on firmware by ASUS. All the features of Revolver 3.7 included. The following points are what Asus did in the new firmware.
- Fixed abnormal battery drain (expecially with the dock)
- Improved wifi signal
- Improved Browser
- Updated Market and Supernote
- Added App Backup and Netflix (available in the ‚Removed Apps‘ in Revolver Parts)
Update 3.8.1:
- Fixed the problem with the dock battery percentage in the notification tray.
- Changed fonts with better ones.
Update/full 3.9:
- Fixed the problems with bluetooth
- Fixed the problems with the ads filter
Update 3.9.1:
- Updated to Asus firmware
Update 3.9.3:
- Solved problems with Videos app FCs
- Fixed problems with Superuser
- Improved performances.
- Improved Flash Player performances.
Full/update 3.9.5:
- Slimmed down (Removed MyClod, MyLibrary, MyNet, PixWe and Vibe). You can restore them flashing the package „Revolver removed apps (Asus)“ from RevolverParts → Other tab).
- Attempt to fix the GPS issue.
- Added wallpapers to the Launcher.
- Updated the dock firmware to the latest available.
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